optical adopter
description:connection adapter (also called flanges) is used to connect optical fiber connectors plug between parts such as sc and sc, fc and fc and lc and lc etc., to facilitate the use of works. products include: fc, sc, st, lc, mtrj and so on .
product details
main material: fc, st adapters using
zirconia ceramic sleeve and the metal flange; sc adapter and lg uses zirconia
ceramic casing and pbt materials;
sc, fc, st adapters inner diameter of the cylindrical sleeve 2.5mm; lc adapter
1.25mm cylindrical inner diameter of the casing;
fc adapter using m8 threaded locking metal structure;
sc adapter push-pull structure;
lc adapter is a plug-locking structure;
st adapter bayonet locking structure rotating keyed, sc, fc, lc, st, mu, mtrj
and other optional adapter;
fc-sc, sc-st and other optional converter;
sc, fc and other optional optical attenuator.
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last:optical plc